We post several short articles per month, tackling complicated issues and giving space for Christians to share their experiences about race in an edifying way. Longer essays are a scholarly contribution to UWP. They examine racism in the church in light of historical and theological contexts. Both Short-Form and Long-Form essays are written by people burdened with racial reconciliation in the church.
Church, Diversity, and the Questions Kids Ask
Courtney Reissig remembers being caught off-guard by a question her son asked after visiting a predominately black church.
The Pride of Jonah
Anyone who’s been in church long enough has probably heard the story of Jonah and the fish that swallowed him. As the story goes, God tells Jonah to deliver a message to the people in the city of Nineveh. But Jonah doesn’t want to. He attempts to run from this...
Old Wounds and Hidden Pain
I had to experience physical trauma before I understood there was such a thing as racial trauma. I’ll explain. On November 25, 2020, I did something stupid. It was the day before Thanksgiving, and I was in charge of cooking protein for the family gathering. It had...
The Readiness Spectrum
John Talley offers some words of encouragement and warning for majority-white churches looking to hire a minority pastor.
Sitting At The Wrong Lunch Table | Segregation then and now
In her book Why Are All The Black Kids Sitting Together In The Cafeteria? (New York: Basic, 1997), psychologist Beverly Daniel Tatum discusses the concept of racial identity development. First published nearly 25 years ago, she sought to help readers understand the...
I Don’t Date Asians
“I’m not attracted to Asian guys.” It’s a simple phrase, seemingly innocent enough, but many Asian Americans have heard it or have had similar sentiments expressed towards them. And they certainly can resonate with the stinging pain that such sentiments bring about....
But Why, God?
But Why, God? During the summer months, my church participates in a Bible reading series, and it was during this summer’s reading in the prophets that I came across the book of Jeremiah in a new light. Jeremiah (also known as the weeping prophet) was a prophet to the...
Embracing Transformation: A Journey Towards Multi-Ethnic Ministry
As a child, my life was marked by racial diversity in almost every aspect, except for one—the church. While my school and social circles were diverse, self-imposed segregation was prevalent within the worship services. This discrepancy puzzled me: why could diversity...
A Barber
You’ve heard, and maybe asked, it before—the common ice-breaker: “If you could choose any career besides the one you already have, what would it be?” I love being a pastor and wouldn’t actually change it for anything, but the answers from folks are intriguing. There’s...
Loving America Well on the 4th of July: It’s Our Christian Duty
I love gathering with family and friends to enjoy grilled hot dogs, burgers, and smoked ribs and to watch fireworks on the 4th of July while listening to Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture (and smooth Jazz). It’s also a pretty cool perk to be in Los Angeles, where you can do...