We post several short articles per month, tackling complicated issues and giving space for Christians to share their experiences about race in an edifying way. Longer essays are a scholarly contribution to UWP. They examine racism in the church in light of historical and theological contexts. Both Short-Form and Long-Form essays are written by people burdened with racial reconciliation in the church.

When I Recognized Race: Kelly Needham
Kelly Needham describes how her increasingly diverse friendships have awakened her to racial realities.

What White Folks Learning About Racism (Can) Ask
United? We Read editor Austin Suter offers some thoughts on the necessary pairing of zeal with perspective

Little Story, Big Story
Jasmine Holmes encourages Christians to trust each other. If we are willing to listen, we can better understand each other’s stories and perspectives.

Who Will Protect This House?
Stephanie Laferriere gives a helpful dose of perspective, reminding us who we are, who Jesus is, and what he promises to do for his people.

Courtney Reissig: When I Recognized Race
Courtney Reissig gives us the first installment in our series, “When I Recognized Race.” Lament and pray with us.

Book Response: Consumed By Hate, Redeemed by Love
Austin Suter responds to Tom Tarrants’ book, Consumed by Hate, Redeemed by Love. It is the powerful account of a Klansman’s conversion.

Show the Work
Pastor Eric Saunders reminds us that our faith in the Gospel should show itself in works, even in matters of race and racism.

Whitest Guy at the Cookout
United? We Read editor Austin Suter shares a few encouragements for white brothers and sisters to help us love minority friends well.

We Can’t Have “The Race Conversation” Without This One Thing
SharDavia “Shar” Walker blesses us with a word on the one thing we need to have the race conversation – humility.

Praying about Systemic Racism
We are about to post a series of articles about individual relationships and personal growth. Before we do that, we want to take a moment to discuss systemic racism. Isaac Adams does that here: