
We post several short articles per month, tackling complicated issues and giving space for Christians to share their experiences about race in an edifying way. Longer essays are a scholarly contribution to UWP. They examine racism in the church in light of historical and theological contexts. Both Short-Form and Long-Form essays are written by people burdened with racial reconciliation in the church.

Praying about Systemic Racism

Praying about Systemic Racism

We are about to post a series of articles about individual relationships and personal growth. Before we do that, we want to take a moment to discuss systemic racism. Isaac Adams does that here:

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United? We… Read!

United? We… Read!

Our first article! We plan to post two articles per week, and this introductory piece by Isaac Adams explains our heart and prayers behind this new facet of our ministry.

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United? We Pray | UWP

United? We Pray | UWP

As U?WP begins to write articles, we thought it would be good to begin with the first article that started it all—the one from Oct. 2017, in which I first shared about U?WP. Given all that could be said and done about race and local churches, why start a podcast about prayer?

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