Basics Kit

by | May 24, 2023

Our basics kit is designed to be an introduction to issues of race.

United We Pray Basics Kit


If you are considering issues of ethnic unity among God’s people for the first time, this will help. Our purpose is to encourage and educate rather than condemn. Race is complicated, in part because it involves so many other issues. We hope these resources encourage you toward greater love for God’s people.



The Unique Witness of Unity in Diversity
Austin Suter encourages us that the unity we see in part now, we will see fully when the Lord brings us home.

Before You Ask Your Black Friend About Race
Isaac Adams offers encouragement applicable to all majority/minority relationships.

The Gospel Compels Us to Talk About Race
Courtney Reissig points us to the finished work of Christ which tells us that sin is real, injustice is all around us, and there is a living power that can defeat all of it.

Gnosticism and Color-Blindness
Austin Suter looks at the way early gnostics treated gender and sees similarities in how some people today treat ethnicity.

Diversity is Costly
Jamie Dunlop explores the costs which make diversity hard, which are the same things that make it so meaningful.

Charity Toward the Unfamiliar
Austin Suter encourages us to pray for God to give us a spirit of charity and love toward all our brothers and sisters.

Be Patient with Slow Growers, Late Bloomers, And Those Yet Unseeing
Alicia Akins reminds us that God’s mercy creates our faint beginnings and his patience guarantees our glorious ends.



What is Race?
Isaac and Austin have a more theoretical discussion around the question, “What is race?” Scripture uses the word “race” in several different ways, and the concept of race has a complicated historical, sociological, and theological legacy. Understanding these complexities is crucial not just to check a box, but to understand and love our neighbors well.

Why is it so hard to Talk About Race?
This is a talk given by Isaac at a local church in Alabama explaining why it is so hard for us, even as Christians, to talk about race. We pray you are encouraged by it.

What is Racism?
Isaac and Austin try to land on a definition for racism. Are people racist? Are systems racist? Are these even the most helpful questions to ask? The more we get into these complicated issues, the more we realize our need for prayer.



Let us hold on to the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.

Hebrews 10:23


  • United? We Pray

    United? We Pray is a ministry to help Christians pray and think about racial strife. We want to encourage Christians amid the strife to rely upon God in prayer. So our prayers can be informed, we strive to learn and write about race, racism and its effects, and theology. We aim to be biblical, beneficial, and clear in all our efforts. While we’re burdened for all racial strife, we focus on racial strife between Christians because of the unique privilege and stewardship God has given his people: to bear witness to Him and to love all people, especially one another (Gal. 6:10).

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