We post several short articles per month, tackling complicated issues and giving space for Christians to share their experiences about race in an edifying way. Longer essays are a scholarly contribution to UWP. They examine racism in the church in light of historical and theological contexts. Both Short-Form and Long-Form essays are written by people burdened with racial reconciliation in the church.
Editor’s Pick: Our Favorite Episodes of 2022
This was a big year for our ministry. We need to thank you for sharing this podcast with your family and friends, because our subscriber base has grown tremendously this year. We were blessed to have some great guests and episodes this year. I wanted to share a few...
Thanksgiving Special 2022
For Thanksgiving, Austin Suter reminds us of all that we have to be thankful for in Christ.
Meet the Black Church: Gardner C Taylor
John Talley details the life and ministry of Gardner C. Taylor, a preacher some of us may not know. He was a man of integrity, consistency, and one of the most powerful preachers of his day.
What Does the Bible Say about Interracial Marriage?
Austin Suter explores some passages of Scripture which have been used to discourage interracial marriage and shows why ethnic partiality has no place among God’s people.
Three Forms of Knowledge
Ben Sciacca explores how theory, proximity, and experience can all enhance our understandings of comples issues.
Christian Solutions to Racism
Austin Suter explores several ways that Christians can uniquely contribute to efforts against racism
A Better Way Toward Social Justice
Courtney Reissig surveys the consistent heart of God for a just society and encourages believers toward more consistent obedience.
Diversity is Costly
Jamie Dunlop explores the costs which make diversity hard, which are the same things that make it so meaningful.
Avoiding Tunnel Vision with Race
Austin Suter shows how passion and interest are good things which need to be held in check by perspective.
God Doesn’t Pick Sides When It Comes To His Kids
Ben Sciacca reminds us not to be presumptive and assume that God is automatically on our side just because we’re passionate about our cause.