• BIBLICAL in what we write and pray. While UWP intends to happily and critically engage with, and learn from, other resources, the Bible is our foundation. We want to build our faith and practice from the Bible up. Please pray for us, that this would always be our aims.


  • HELPFUL in what we write and pray. Corrupting talk should not come from Christians, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear (Eph. 4:29; see also Col. 4:6; Prov. 25:11). All people will give an account for every careless word they speak (Matt. 12:36). UWP will not shy away from hard truths, and to do so is its own form of hatred. “A lying tongue hates its victims, and a flattering mouth works ruin” (Prov. 26:28; 29:5). Love does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth (1 Cor. 13:6). That said, we pray the net effect of our efforts is edification, healing, and reconciliation—not destruction, disgrace, and division. We want more to do with love than wrath. Please pray for us, that this would always be our aims.


  • CLEAR in what we write and pray. One way we aim to benefit you is by striving for clarity. While you may disagree with what we say, we don’t want you to wonder what it is we’re actually saying. While he did not fear complexity, the Apostle Paul aimed to write nothing other than what his audience could read and understand, and what he hoped they would fully understand (2 Cor. 1:13; 2 Peter 3:16). We aim to do the same. Please pray for us, that this would always be our aim.


  • HOPEFUL in what we write and pray. While lament is no small part of what we do, our ministry is one that carries on in light of an empty tomb. In other words, because Jesus is alive, one day racism will be dead! Until that day we have much work to do, hard work to do. But it’s work that is rooted in the hope that Jesus will make all things new and will wipe every tear from our eyes (Rev. 21:4-5). The tragedies surrounding race and racism cause us grief, as Lamentations 1-2 and 4-5 are rightly filled with. But our story is not complete without Lamentations 3. “The Lord is our portion,” says our soul, “therefore we will hope in him.” Please pray for us, that this would always be our aim.

our aims at United We Pray

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