Most Recent Podcast Episode

The Work of Black History with Walter Strickland II
Black History Walter Strickland is Assistant Professor of Systematic and Contextual Theology at the Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is also the author of Swing Low: A History of Black Christianity in the United States (Intervarsity Press, 2024). Dr....
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My Education in the American South
Danny Brister didn’t learn to read until second grade. Growing up in Alabama, he faced challenges, but the dedication of a teacher changed his life. His story highlights the importance of seeing, loving, and equipping students, and the power of one person to make a difference.
Book Response
Book Response: Reforming Criminal Justice by Matt Martens
Matt Martens’ book, Reforming Criminal Justice: A Christian Proposal released today. Austin Suter offers this reflection on it and explains why he wants to to be widely read among Christians.
Politics Kit
Politics have long been a source of disunity between Christians, and that dynamic seems to have worsened in the last few years. This series on politics is not designed to tell you how to vote. Our goal is to expose ways we are all susceptible to idolatry and...
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Seven Things to Know After the Last Election
Lessons from our summer series on politics. This past summer on our podcast, we did something we’ve never done before. We did a focused series on Christianity and politics. This summer series was an effort to equip our listeners to be agents of unity in their...
Talking to Your Kids About Race
When Isaac and I travel for United? We Pray events, we try to have a time for open Q&A at every event. I enjoy hearing from people and feel better informed to address their concerns once I know their particular questions. Sometimes we get new questions, but more...
Confidence in the Wrong Place
In 1908, G.K. Chesterton warned Christian readers that various influences were eroding society’s ability to learn: But what we suffer from today is humility in the wrong place. . . . A man was meant to be doubtful about himself, but undoubting about the truth; this...