We post several short articles per month, tackling complicated issues and giving space for Christians to share their experiences about race in an edifying way. Longer essays are a scholarly contribution to UWP. They examine racism in the church in light of historical and theological contexts. Both Short-Form and Long-Form essays are written by people burdened with racial reconciliation in the church.
Pastoral Leadership in an Unequal Zip Code
Pastor Matt McCullough shares his experience pastoring in a city where economic inequality tracks largely with ethnicity.
Perspicuity, Community, and Diversity
Austin Suter reflects on the clarity of the Bible and how we help each other understand it.
Christ’s Body, Broken For Deniers of Racism
Alicia Akins reflects on her experience serving communion to a man who seemed unconcerned about those experiencing racism.
Book Response: Building a Multiethnic Church
Ryan King, pastor of a multiethnic church in London, responds to Dr. Derwin Gray’s book “Building a Multiethnic Church”
Wrestle On, Jacob
Dr. Will Kynes explores the history and content of the hymns sung by enslaved African Americans and shows how their theology can teach readers of the Bible who have not experienced suffering and oppression in the same way.
Mutual Accountability is not Equal Responsibility
Dr. George Yancey introduces mutual accountability, his model for racial unity. He explains what it is and is not, then explores how it works among God’s people.
Charity Toward the Unfamiliar
Austin Suter makes the case that the default posture of Christians toward each other should be charity rather than suspicion.
The Unique Witness of Unity in Diversity
Austin Suter writes on the unique witness of unity in diversity, showing that we can acknowledge categories like ethnicity without making them ultimate.
Prioritizing Prayer Against Racism
John Talley III reminds us of the vital role prayer should play in all areas of life.
Encouragement from Jesus in the Face of Racism
Rico Melendez examines Scripture’s commands to imitate Christ’s example and considers those passages in light of engaging racism.