Results for "lament"

LAMENT in Indianapolis, IN (w/ Mark Vroegop)

LAMENT in Indianapolis, IN (w/ Mark Vroegop)

"Can wicked rulers be allied with you, those who frame injustice by statute?" Psalm 94:20 Episode Overview: "Lament is a prayer in pain that leads to trust." Why is understanding songs of sorrow so important for our thinking about race? Why is lament so important that...

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Biblical Theology: Minor Prophets | God’s Mercy

Biblical Theology: Minor Prophets | God’s Mercy

We’re back in our Bible study series with Adrianna Anderson. Today we look at the minor prophets, where we see a fuller picture of God’s mercy to His people, Israel, and to the nations. There are plenty of sober warnings of judgment, but God’s mercy shines through these books as time and again the people are given chances to repent and know God as father rather than judge. God’s mercy extends to the ends of the earth, and these 12 authors drive that point home. Along the way, we also get more details on the day of the Lord and the coming Messiah. We hope you read along and are encouraged as we continue to see God’s mercy and faithfulness to all people.

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Biblical Theology: Major Prophets | God’s faithfulness

Biblical Theology: Major Prophets | God’s faithfulness

Today, Adrianna and Austin are exploring the major prophets and seeing God’s plan for His people from all nations. While these books occur in the context immediately preceding and during the Exile, God’s faithfulness permeates the whole thing. We see that God has not forgotten His people or His covenant with them. We see that while He uses the nations for judgment, He remains faithful to Israel and will deliver them from the consequences of their sin. God’s faithfulness extends also to the nations, who have been a part of His plan from the beginning.

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Biblical Theology: Joshua – Ruth | God’s Plan for the Nations

Biblical Theology: Joshua – Ruth | God’s Plan for the Nations

Adrianna Anderson is back as we continue walking through the Old Testament. These three books, Joshua, Judges, and Ruth, share the history of God’s people in the promised land. There is much history here to lament and learn from, and thankfully there is history to celebrate as well. We see the people being influenced by the nations around them, and see examples of faithfulness at the same time. Through it all, God is faithful to provide for His people.

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Praying Against Antisemitism with Randy Newman

Praying Against Antisemitism with Randy Newman

Dr. Randy Newman joins Austin to discuss the disturbing increase in antisemitism happening in the world right now. Randy shares his own experience with antisemitism, shares some of his family history, and provides theological perspective on why history keeps repeating itself. We hope you will join us in praying for our Jewish neighbors.

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Featured Content

Confidence in the Wrong Place

Confidence in the Wrong Place

In 1908, G.K. Chesterton warned Christian readers that various influences were eroding society’s ability to learn:  But what we suffer from today is humility in the wrong place. . . . A man was meant to be doubtful about himself, but undoubting about the truth; this...

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Memorial Day: Remembering vs. Not Forgetting

Memorial Day: Remembering vs. Not Forgetting

What’s the difference between remembering and not forgetting? That’s the question I started asking myself as I thought about Memorial Day. I forget an awful lot of things. For example: usernames and passwords. Ever forget either of these (don’t say you forget both) to...

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Presidents’ Day and Godly Authority

Presidents’ Day and Godly Authority

On Monday, our nation observed Presidents’ Day. This holiday gives us an opportunity to honor the role and office of President in our country. It also serves as an opportunity to reflect how we as Christians can pray for those who represent us as citizen servants in...

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