Memorial Day: Remembering vs. Not Forgetting
Sam Melvin writes on the importance of memory and shares an often forgotten observance of Memorial Day from the Civil War.... Read more.

Presidents’ Day and Godly Authority
Samuel Melvin reflects on Presidents' Day and what good and bad uses of authority look like.... Read more.

The Pride of Jonah
Anyone who’s been in church long enough has probably heard the story of Jonah and the fish that swallowed him. As the story goes, God tells Jonah to deliver a... Read more.

Sitting At The Wrong Lunch Table | Segregation then and now
In her book Why Are All The Black Kids Sitting Together In The Cafeteria? (New York: Basic, 1997), psychologist Beverly Daniel Tatum discusses the concept of racial... Read more.

But Why, God?
But Why, God? During the summer months, my church participates in a Bible reading series, and it was during this summer’s reading in the prophets that I came... Read more.