“Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person.”
Colossians 4:6
Episode Overview:
How are you praying for the 2020 election? How might we as Christians prepare to speak about it with one another in a way that shows the world we are Jesus’ disciples?
In this episode, Isaac Adams and Trillia Newbell team up again to discuss the heightened political animosity and polarization that too often characterizes Christians online. Yet as Christians we are called to a love of neighbor that involves gentleness, being slow to speak, quick to hear. To bring us toward that kind of love, the Lord may need to tear down our political idols. “We will grapple to keep them,” Trillia says, “which can lead us to fight and be enraged with one another.”
We’re in a bad spot when we get online and the attacks we’re most tempted to fear are not from non-Christians but other Christians. Yet we don’t want to cling more closely to politics than we do to our brothers and sisters—because politics will fade, but our brothers and sisters will last forever.
Join us, as we pray for wisdom to discern our own speech and the voices we listen to. Join us as we pray for new rhetoric, that builds up and not tears down. After all, we’re all made in God’s image, so let’s speak to one another like it. May we speak love fluently.
Links & Show Notes:
- 12 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Posting Something Online by Mark Dever
- Produced by Josh Deng