I didn’t learn how to read until I was in second grade. Growing up in a large Black family in Birmingham, Alabama, in the early 90s, I learned to survive by blending in. I was one of a bunch (a Southern measurement term) of grandchildren and didn’t, at first glance,...
Lessons from our summer series on politics. This past summer on our podcast, we did something we’ve never done before. We did a focused series on Christianity and politics. This summer series was an effort to equip our listeners to be agents of unity in their...
Separate but equal In 1896, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Plessy v. Ferguson that creating separate accommodations based on race was justifiable as long as those accommodations were equal. This ruling established a federal legal doctrine known as “separate but...
When Isaac and I travel for United? We Pray events, we try to have a time for open Q&A at every event. I enjoy hearing from people and feel better informed to address their concerns once I know their particular questions. Sometimes we get new questions, but more...
We’ve all seen the public non-apology apology. Whether it’s a college president, corporate executive, or government official caught in a misdeed or unpleasant situation, they all look the same. They acknowledge a less than favorable outcome, express wishes that things...
I’ve noticed some strange behavior from some friends of mine. It has come up in several different relationships over the last few years. They are all intelligent, successful, and pretty happy people. I love them dearly. But these friends are not Christians. The thing...