Austin is the executive director and editor for U?WP. He is a husband, father and seminary student at RTS Charlotte. Austin is a member at Iron City Church in Birmingham, AL. @amsuter
Austin Suter continues our Critical Race Theory series, this time offering some cautions about some conclusions reached by critical race theorists.... Read more.
Austin Suter explains how critical race theorists can help Christians better understand our history as a nation and thereby gain a better understanding of race ... Read more.
Austin Suter laments the recent videos in which black image-bearers lost their lives and offers suggestions for white Christians who have seen them.... Read more.
Austin Suter follows up on a piece by James Choi to explore and lament the current epidemic’s disproportionate affect on black Americans.... Read more.
Austin Suter follows up on a piece by Isaac Adams and questions whether we should be reading books by historical figures we know to have been racists.... Read more.