A Better Way Toward Social Justice

A Better Way Toward Social Justice

If you spend any amount of time online these days, you know that simply uttering the words “social justice” is asking for a firestorm. A statement in favor invites charges of Marxism and abandoning the gospel. A statement in opposition invites charges of failing to...
Engaging with Other Voices

Engaging with Other Voices

There are a lot of voices coming at us these days. Our digital age allows us to speak our mind quickly, and often without thought beyond our initial impulse to tweet, write, or speak. As one who is often quick to speak and slow to listen, I have dealt with my fair...
Bible Literacy as a Solution for Racism

Bible Literacy as a Solution for Racism

In his indicting book, The Color of Compromise (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2019), Jemar Tisby unpacks how racism has maintained such a foothold among Christians throughout American history. As a historian, he traces the thread of racism from the origins of slavery...
We Weep For What We Do Not Know

We Weep For What We Do Not Know

We Weep For What We Do Not Know. A decade ago I lost our first baby. It was devastating. But the devastation was made worse by the fact that I couldn’t get pregnant again. For two years we waited for God to open my womb, hoping that, when he did, we would hold a baby...