Today is the 60th anniversary of Dr. King’s Letter from Birmingham Jail. Dr. King had been arrested in Birmingham during a non-violent protest against the segregation of the Jim Crow South. A few things stand out about the letter as we read it today. The first is how...
Thanksgiving Special 2022

Thanksgiving Special 2022

Christians should be, by nature, thankful people. We understand that we were created by God, in His image, with the capacity to know Him and love others created in His image. As we all celebrate the day of Thanksgiving this week, I wanted to offer a specific word of...
What Does the Bible Say about Interracial Marriage?

What Does the Bible Say about Interracial Marriage?

Does the Bible discourage or even prohibit interracial marriage? For years in evangelical churches in the American South, sermons and tracts against interracial marriage were common. Many of the interracial couples I know personally have experienced resistance or...
Christian Solutions to Racism

Christian Solutions to Racism

Christian Solutions to Racism? Christians are fond of using the word “Christian” as an adjective. It’s more than branding. The motivation can be right. For example, Christian health care sharing ministries may sound gimmicky at first hearing until we think about what...
Avoiding Tunnel Vision with Race

Avoiding Tunnel Vision with Race

One of my best friends has a Ph.D. in a very specialized field. He has spent a ridiculous amount of time on a narrow topic and knows more about it than just about anybody. He mentioned to me recently that he has noticed a tendency to filter many issues according to...