Episode Overview: Alicia Akins is author of the forthcoming book, The Gift of the Outsider. She joins Austin to talk about how reading books by authors of diverse backgrounds leads to greater understanding. Links & Show Notes: Alicia’s new book will be...
Episode Overview: Alicia Akins, friend of the ministry and author of the new book, Invitations to Abundance joined the show to talk about how growing up and living in so many places amongst so many people has informed her perspective as an author. We also discuss her...
“Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” (Matthew 6:10) We likely all know these words by heart. When we say them, perhaps we envision a decline in the prevalence of evil and a revival of righteousness. Or maybe we think of a rise in numbers...
“This is Christ’s body, broken for you.” A brother in Christ waited in the communion line. As I prepared to serve him the bread and readied those words in my mouth, I remembered how I’d heard him time and again attempt to delegitimize the concerns of black Americans,...
Slow Growers, Late Bloomers, and Those Yet Unseeing? How often must Christ have stared into the eyes of his dearest friends and known they didn’t get it—let alone the countless faces in the crowds whose understanding veered even further from the truth. From birth to...