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Podcast Episodes

Podcast episodes taking racial struggles to the throne of grace, United? We Pray is a ministry devoted to praying about racial strife—especially between Christians.

What if My Church Doesn’t Care?

What if My Church Doesn’t Care?

Isaac and Austin sit down for the second installment in our FAQ series with a question we often get on the road – “what if my church doesn’t care about ethnic unity?” We talk through scenarios when someone might want to leave their church, but spend most of the conversation cautioning against making quick decisions or judgments about others. Not everyone has to care about and pursue ethnic unity in the exact same way. In God’s economy, our differences are actually a good thing

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Praying Against Antisemitism with Randy Newman

Praying Against Antisemitism with Randy Newman

Dr. Randy Newman joins Austin to discuss the disturbing increase in antisemitism happening in the world right now. Randy shares his own experience with antisemitism, shares some of his family history, and provides theological perspective on why history keeps repeating itself. We hope you will join us in praying for our Jewish neighbors.

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The Necessity of a Charitable Disposition

The Necessity of a Charitable Disposition

Pastor Josh Chatman is back with us because he thinks Christians need to grow in our application of charity. Christian charity is just another way to speak about loving our neighbors, which is a duty all of us have. We don’t have to agree with, understand, or even like someone to be kind to them. We do this in our churches, families, and workplaces, and when we do it well, God is glorified. Please join us in praying we’d look more like Jesus as we apply Christian charity.

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Black History Month: Black Abolitionists

Black History Month: Black Abolitionists

When we think of abolitionists, most of us think of Abraham Lincoln or John Brown. But there were many black abolitionists doing the work who, for whatever reason, haven’t received the recognition they deserve. In this episode, Jasmine Holmes stops by to educate us on some of the black abolitionists who helped bring about the end of slavery and who did amazing work in the years following the Civil War.

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Black History Month: Martin Luther King, Jr

Black History Month: Martin Luther King, Jr

As we continue our Black History Month series, we look today at the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Dr. King was a remarkably gifted man who managed to lead the complex, often contentious movement we now think of as the Civil Rights Movement. Though he is beloved in our day, he was hated in his own. Helping us think through all of this is Dr. Kevin Smith, a pastor and church historian. We appreciate Dr. Smith’s insight and hope you are encouraged by the episode.

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Black History Month: The Faith of the Enslaved

Black History Month: The Faith of the Enslaved

Continuing our Black History Month series, Jasmine Holmes stops by the podcast to talk about the faith of American slaves and the persecution they endured. We also discuss historical sources that can give us an an idea of what slavery was like for the saints who lived through it. God sustained His people and heard their prayers, even in the worst circumstances.

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Black History Month: Francis Grimke

Black History Month: Francis Grimke

It will surprise no one to see that we’re kicking off Black History Month by talking about Francis Grimke. Francis was a pastor in Washington, DC in the early 1900s. He was a former slave who lived an extraordinary life. His work inspired Isaac to start this ministry, so we feel a special connection to his life and work. Be encouraged by this faithful saint!

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The Asian American Experience with Mike Ahn

The Asian American Experience with Mike Ahn

Austin is joined in the studio today by Dr. Mike Ahn, Interim Dean of Spiritual Development at BIOLA University. Mike graciously shared something of the Asian American experience with us, an experience which is often misunderstood or overlooked, even by those who care...

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Highlighting Diversity with Carl Laferton

Highlighting Diversity with Carl Laferton

Austin is joined today by Carl Laferton, Executive Vice President of The Good Book Company (TGBC). We talk about the children’s books published by TGBC, and how the illustrations both reflect historical accuracy and highlight diversity. We also talk about TGBC’s lay-level commentary series, and how diverse authors contributed to the project. Carl shares how he has learned the importance of representation and of learning from Christians from various cultures and ethnicities, and how that informs the way TGBC highlights diversity within their projects.

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Crossing the Tracks: Loving Neighbors Who Aren’t Like Us, with Josh Chatman

Crossing the Tracks: Loving Neighbors Who Aren’t Like Us, with Josh Chatman

Pastor Josh Chatman joins Austin once again to discuss loving our neighbors. How can we better love our neighbors who are not like us? How do we even go about doing it when society is so often segregated? Josh encourages us to look for diversity that we might be missing, and then share some helpful tips for how we can build relationships outside our normal orbits. Our heart in all of this is not that we all develop some artificial but perfectly representative portfolio of relationships. We are instead trying to be intentional to love our neighbors. All of them.

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