Avoiding Tunnel Vision with Race

Avoiding Tunnel Vision with Race

One of my best friends has a Ph.D. in a very specialized field. He has spent a ridiculous amount of time on a narrow topic and knows more about it than just about anybody. He mentioned to me recently that he has noticed a tendency to filter many issues according to...
Racism Is Not the Unpardonable Sin

Racism Is Not the Unpardonable Sin

In spite of its dehumanizing effects on image bearers of God, the sin of racism is not the unpardonable sin. God redeems racists and forgives the sin of racism through the finished work of his Son, Jesus. Ephesians 2:13–16 describes the deep hostility that once...
Guilty for Your Ancestors’ Sins?

Guilty for Your Ancestors’ Sins?

Should we confess the sins of our ancestors and predecessors? This question has been asked much recently, and though it could apply to a host of ancestral sins, it has particular relevance in this cultural moment to racism. A more specific question is thus asked:...
Theological Arrogance

Theological Arrogance

Preston and Jackie Hill Perry recently had pastor Charlie Dates on their podcast. Dr. Dates is formally educated in historical theology, and the Perrys had him on to talk about the Black Church. It was a great conversation, and I encourage you to check out the episode...
The Beauty of the Church in Prayer

The Beauty of the Church in Prayer

I’m more convinced than ever that the church is the most beautiful and powerful institution on earth. Of course she has blemishes and shortcomings, but don’t we all? After all, she is made up of sinners who are trusting, by faith, in a perfect Savior. I want to show...
Slavery and the Bible: Happy Juneteenth

Slavery and the Bible: Happy Juneteenth

The History On June 19, 1865, Union General Gordon Granger arrived in Galveston, Texas to enforce the Emancipation Proclamation by freeing all those still enslaved. Granger rolled into Galveston with his troops two months after Robert E. Lee surrendered in Virginia...