When Your Daughter Doesn’t Share Your Ethnicity

When Your Daughter Doesn’t Share Your Ethnicity

Proverbs 22:6 states, “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old, he will not depart from it.” This verse is a clear command to parents that we are to channel our efforts and resources into training our children in the truths and ways of God. We...
An Honest Look at the History of Racism in Education

An Honest Look at the History of Racism in Education

Education is a polarizing topic. Ask any member of your church what they think about education, and they likely have a different answer and solution. It’s what makes Christian freedom so glorious—we can worship together with different views on tertiary issues. But in...
Kids See Color

Kids See Color

“Kids don’t see color.” It’s a common phrase, isn’t it? Maybe it’s one you’ve heard before, or even said yourself. I’ll be the first to admit it—I’ve said it on numerous occasions. Despite all the racial tension in our nation, kids somehow make friends with anyone....
Love for the Fatherless: A Theology of Adoption

Love for the Fatherless: A Theology of Adoption

Love for the Fatherless: A Theology of Adoption. Almost six years ago, my husband and I walked out of a magistrate’s court in the Northern Cape, South Africa. We were suddenly mother and father to a six-month-old black baby boy whom we had met only a day before. We...
Can You be Honest With Your Kids About Race?

Can You be Honest With Your Kids About Race?

Can we be honest with our kids about race? A number of months ago my kids were waiting for a new babysitter to come over. We actually had never met her, instead doing all of our initial correspondence via text message. As we were waiting for her to arrive one of my...