Don’t Celebrate Unkindness

Don’t Celebrate Unkindness

Don’t Celebrate Unkindness. Celebrating historical figures gets complicated in a hurry. As soon as you find something inspiring about someone, you often find something troubling. None of us are perfectly consistent. All have sinned and fall short of the glory of...
A Bigger Vision for Diversity

A Bigger Vision for Diversity

“Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” (Matthew 6:10) We likely all know these words by heart. When we say them, perhaps we envision a decline in the prevalence of evil and a revival of righteousness. Or maybe we think of a rise in numbers...
Pastoral Leadership in an Unequal Zip Code

Pastoral Leadership in an Unequal Zip Code

In January of 2021, the church I helped to plant merged with a historic congregation in another city-center neighborhood a few miles across town. For ten years we’d been meeting in a school building, and COVID revealed how unstable that scenario always was. After the...
Perspicuity, Community, and Diversity

Perspicuity, Community, and Diversity

Perspicuity, Community, and Diversity. One of the most cherished truths of Protestant Reformation is the understanding of the priesthood of all believers. In the time of the Reformation, theologians like Martin Luther were pushing back on the idea that the priests of...
Christ’s Body, Broken For Deniers of Racism

Christ’s Body, Broken For Deniers of Racism

“This is Christ’s body, broken for you.” A brother in Christ waited in the communion line. As I prepared to serve him the bread and readied those words in my mouth, I remembered how I’d heard him time and again attempt to delegitimize the concerns of black Americans,...
The Unique Witness of Unity in Diversity

The Unique Witness of Unity in Diversity

Every other week, my church holds a Sunday evening prayer meeting. It’s one of my favorite things our church does. We hear about what is going on in our life together and then spend time praying for the ministries of the church. As he calls on various people to pray,...